Hooray! I have finally added a blog to my website. When I will have the time to keep it current and up to date with posts is another topic entirely...
I've been shooting some great weddings and amazing brides lately, but as this is my first post, I'd like to share something that is personal and exciting to me.
My husband, Tosh, and I traveled to Rwanda in Central Africa this summer with an amazing non-profit organization called War Survivor Ministries. They match orphans and widows of war, genocide, and AIDS to create new family bonds and promote physical, mental, and spiritual healing.
Of course I shot tons of photographs from the trip and selective prints are going to be displayed (and for sale!) at Mitchell's coffee house: 235 North Kentucky Ave,Lakeland, FL 33801, during the month of October.
There will be a reception on the evening of Friday, October 5, so join us to view the photos and meet with the people of War Survivor Ministries!